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When are NTEPA offices open for business?We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm at our headquarters and district offices.
What payment options are offered to NTEPA members?In addition to making payment at one of our convenient locations, we offer night deposit for payment of electric bills outside of normal office hours. We also accept payment by using bank draft. For a small fee we offer payment by credit card using our bill pay website or call toll free 1-866-818-6725
Who should I call if my lights go out?CLICK HERE for a list of emergency numbers that can be called in case of power outage. If you are unsure which service area you are in, just call one of the numbers and report your outage. We will handle it from there. Please print out the page with emergency numbers and post it where you can easily find it in case of a power outage.
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